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  • 10/424A, Kochi, Kerala, India

Hampi is a culturally rich town located in the south Indian state of Karnataka. The ancient temples are the star attractions of Hampi and draw a large number of tourists from all over the world. The original name of this town was Pampa which is the Puranic name of river Tungabhadra. This famous town is located on the banks of this river which adds more charm to it. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its ancient temples. Spreading over an area of 26 sq km and dating back to the period between 11th to 13th centuries, the temples of Hampi are in ruins.

These ancient temples speak volumes about the glorious history of this town which was once ruled by the great Vijayanagara Empire. According to the legend Lord Hanuman was born in this town. This town also finds mention in Ramayana, the great Hindu Epic. The Matanga hill in the town has sheer religious significance as it is the place where Sugriva took refuge after a battle with his brother Bali.

The erstwhile rulers of Hampi left behind their legacy in the form of several beautiful temples, palaces and royal pavilions. Beautifully built and magnificently carved, these temples are around 500 in number. Over the centuries these temples have transformed into ruins but still reflect architectural beauty in plenty. By looking at the monuments you can imagine how marvelous they must have been during the time when they were built.

Although all the monuments in Hampi still have their own unique charm but Virupaksha temple, Monolithic Bull, Hemakuta temple, Chandikeshwara temple, Varah temple, Ranganatha temple, Veerabhadra temple Krishna temple, Sugreeva’s Cave,Vishnupada Shrine and Saraswati temple deserve special mention.

Some of the striking features of the Hampi monuments are majestically carved pillars and walls, huge courtyards, big entrances and arresting monolithic idols.

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